Marriage Can Be Forever–Preparation Counts! 4th Ed. – Worksheets Only


The worksheets are included in the PDF of Marriage Can Be Forever–Preparation Counts! ( However, if you purchased the book as a paperback on another site, this set of worksheets may be useful for you.



The worksheets are included in the PDF of Marriage Can Be Forever–Preparation Counts! ( However, if you purchased the book as a paperback on another site, this set of worksheets may be useful for you.

Table of Contents: Worksheets

Worksheet 1 Relationship-Learning Activities … 24
Worksheet 2A Making Service and Time Choices … 36
Worksheet 2B A Helping Hand—Being of Service … 39
Worksheet 3A Qualities of Friendship … 53
Worksheet 3B What You Each Bring to a Relationship and Marriage … 55
Worksheet 3C Initial Assessment of Harmony … 58
Worksheet 4 Virtues Exploration … 82
Worksheet 6A Communication Patterns and Preferences … 120
Worksheet 6B Communication Agreements … 127
Worksheet 7A Identifying Your Feelings … 144
Worksheet 7B Expressing Your Negative Feelings … 148
Worksheet 8A Assessing Consultation Behaviors and Skills … 165
Worksheet 8B Using Consultation to Build Understanding and Make Unified Decisions … 171
Worksheet 9 Married Couples and Love … 187
Worksheet 10A Learning About Marriage—Interviewing Married Couples … 208
Worksheet 10B Your Preferences and Expectations of Marriage and a Marriage Partner … 211
Worksheet 10C Assessing Maturity Before Marriage … 218
Worksheet 11 Exploring the Topic of Religion … 234
Worksheet 12A Marital Behavior and Equality … 257
Worksheet 12B Equality and Household Tasks … 259
Worksheet 13A Understanding Individual Differences and Behaviors … 278
Worksheet 13B Tracking Your Time … 286
Worksheet 13C How Do You Spend Your Time? … 289
Worksheet 14 Responding to Human Difficulties … 314
Worksheet 15A Current Assets and Liabilities/Debts …341
Worksheet 15B Understanding Monthly Incomes and Expenses … 344
Worksheet 15C Distinguishing Necessities and Luxuries … 347
Worksheet 16 Consulting About Intimate Feelings and Sex … 364
Worksheet 18 Experiences in Sharing Living Space … 414
Worksheet 19A Parents’ Marriage/Relationship Examples … 432
Worksheet 19B Learning from Parents … 435
Worksheet 20A Understanding Diverse Experiences … 452
Worksheet 20B Exploring Diversity in Your Relationship … 455
Reflection A Trends in Your Relationship and Current Status … 470
Reflection B Fears About Commitment … 475
Reflection C History of Longer-Term Commitments … 477
Worksheet 21 Vision and Commitments If You Marry … 492
Worksheet 22 Exploring the Choice of Marrying … 506
Worksheet 26 Planning the Marriage Ceremony … 557
Worksheet 27 Your Marriage Goals … 572




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