Empowered Healing; eBooks (Gift)


Helping people, especially couples, create quality of life while responding to cancer or other major illness…


Empowered Healing: Creating Quality of Life While Journeying with Cancer
This valuable and helpful book is priced at 1 cent to be a gift to those in need…

Empowered Healing is a practical guide to personal responsibility in healing and creating quality of life while experiencing cancer. The book guides patients and their loved ones through a systematic fact-based, spirit-guided approach. This approach can lengthen cancer patient’s lives and also help them increase the quality of the time they have, no matter how long it is.

• Practical suggestions and strategies
• Short, easy-to-read guide
• Applies to most cancers, whatever treatment choices are made
• A cancer journey can be overwhelming; this guide is simple and easy to implement
• Helps patients, especially when married; caregivers; friends; and family
• Contains honest and heartfelt stories from Craig and Susanne’s own experiences
• Endorsed by Dr. Bernie Siegel, bestselling author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles

Cancer patients search for an often-elusive cure or miracle treatment. Some choose to simply let the disease progress. Many choose multiple treatment options that are challenging in their side effects. However, maintaining empowered personal responsibility in healing, coping, and creating optimum quality of life is vital.

Authors: Susanne M. Alexander and Craig A Farnsworth

Table of Contents: EmpoweredHealingTableofContents

“This book is essential for anyone who is dealing with a major illness like Cancer (it is very helpful for ALL illness situations). There are many practical suggestions for patients, caregivers, family, friends and medical professionals. I really love the personal stories that Susanne and Craig have shared. Very heartwarming and helpful. I’m a cancer survivor myself and wish this resource was available 5 years ago!!!” ~ Karen Schulman, photographic artist, owner of Focus Adventures, and breast cancer survivor

“There is a pattern to the personality of long-term survivors. They demonstrate action, wisdom, and devotion in their response to cancer and seek personal empowerment. Empowered Healing coaches and helps you to create a quality of life that gives your body the message to live. When you love your life, your body shows its love too.”  ~ Bernie Siegel, MD, best-selling author of Love, Medicine & Miracles, Faith, Hope & Healing and Help Me to Heal 

“Empowered Healing is a remarkable resource for people who are dealing with a loved one/friend who has been diagnosed with the disease of cancer, especially a cancer that is long term. I am impressed with the insights and tools provided for those on such a journey.”  Thenice Gall, American Cancer Society board of directors, Akron, Ohio, Chapter

“This is a helpful tool, with much practical information, helpful encouragement, and lovely personal stories.”  Eileen Coan, MA, MLS, medical librarian, The Gathering Place

“Empowered Healing is a superb read, heartfelt, and practical. It is a testimonial on becoming an authentic human being, which is one who assesses their circumstances or situation, makes a decision, and takes responsibility for it. I feel emboldened to continue the path I have chosen to pursue as I continue to live with the results of a lymphoma. I can affirm that many practical suggestions you offer work—at least for me in my circumstance. Others I had not tried but will incorporate within my routine. The range of your approach in your book offers both the pragmatist and the idealist a considerable range of options to incorporate in their life’s healing journey. While the locus of Empowered Healing grew from the authors’ co-journey with cancer, this book provides guidance, suggestions, and practices that can be applied to a variety of life-challenging experiences anyone may face on a daily basis. Empowered Healing shines a loving beacon of light and truth in mind and heart and allows us to walk the healing path with conscious dignity, honesty, care, gratitude, and enthusiasm.”
~ Reggie Newkirk, author, diversity/equity trainer, motivational speaker, youth development coach, and lymphoma patient


Publication Date: February 21, 2013
Publisher: Marriage Transformation
ISBN: 0981666655
Format: eBook: PDF, MOBI, ePUB
Number of Pages: 102
Language: English



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