Be Brave and Arise – Paperback


Men transform their lives with this guide to living a life of integrity. Be Brave and Arise contains: Mentoring and encouragement for a life quest; spiritual guidance from the Bahá’í Faith for men over age 15 in all life circumstances; real sharing and experiences of other men; practical actions to take; and questions for reflection.


Men transform their lives with this guide to living a life of integrity. Be Brave and Arise contains:

  • mentoring and encouragement for a life quest;
  • spiritual guidance from the Bahá’í Faith for men (over age 15) in all life circumstances
  • real sharing and experiences of other men
  • practical actions to take
  • questions for reflection

A book contributor shared: “When I hear ‘Be Brave’ I feel empowered and ennobled. It honors the weight of the dark forces I face in the world each day. Nothing other than true heroism, self-effacement, fearlessness, and ultimate detachment seem to be called for.”

Fulfilling a life quest as a spiritual man results in:

  • self-respect and respect from others
  • character strength and confidence
  • physical, sexual, mental, emotional, and spiritual health
  • clear aspirations and goals
  • contributing to others through work and service
  • building community
  • healthy, unified friendships, marriage, and family

The Bahá’í teachings say: “Man’s supreme honor and real happiness lie in self-respect, in high resolves and noble purposes, in integrity and moral quality, in immaculacy of mind.”

You can be brave and arise beginning today!

Navigation Aid for My Quest Mapping Locations (aka Table of Contents)

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in


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