Relationship & Marriage Coaching
Marriage Coaching
Susanne M. Alexander is a certified pre-marriage and marriage educator, coach, and character specialist.
Susanne specializes in personal and relationship growth, offering transformative support for individuals and couples seeking more fulfilling and vibrant relationships. She helps clients gain deeper self-understanding and build stronger communication and consultation habits.
She has a passion for assisting people with developing virtues that contribute to healthy interactions, such as respect, thoughtfulness, and truthfulness. When individuals have many virtue strengths, they are better equipped to be effective partners and parents.
Through video sessions, assessments, self-directed study materials, videos, and online courses, Susanne provides tools for self-reflection and relationship growth, with an option for faith-based guidance if desired.
Why choose Susanne’s coaching:
- Focuses on both individual and relationship development and growth
- Uses personalized tools such as assessments, videos, & reflection guides
- Encourages learning and change through collaboration & accountability
- Offers spiritual principles for those who seek them
If you’re ready to invest in personal and relationship growth, Susanne offers a free 30-minute consultation to see if her coaching is a fit for you.
Please reach out to her:, or call, text or WhatsApp: +1-423-599-0153 (US EST).

Individual Coaching
- Would you like to discover your inner gems and virtues as well as learn and grow what you will bring to a relationship?
- Do you want to overcome limiting beliefs and increase your confidence about moving toward a partner and a commitment to marriage?
- Is it important to you prepare for being in a healthy and happy relationship by understanding yourself and what is important in a partner?

Premarital/Married Couple Coaching
- Would you appreciate having a partnership that makes both of you feel alive and happy?
- Do you want to know your strengths and growth areas through the Prepare/Enrich assessment used by millions of couples? (marriage readiness and marriage strengthening)
- Are you interested in learning the knowledge and skills to be successful and unified with each other?
- Are you ready to grow individually and together?
Susanne’s Approach
“I am a passionate advocate for healthy and happy individuals, relationships, and marriages. These are the foundation for a united and happy family and community. Marriage preparation and relationship strengthening are key elements in creating healthy marriages and preventing divorce. Once a couple is married, I offer “tune-up” assessments, coaching, and skill-building at all stages to keep couples connected and unified.
Education and coaching sessions are a relationship of trust between the client(s) and me, and I do my best to earn that confidence. Our video sessions are a mutual consultation process, with dynamic listening and sharing throughout and as needed in between meetings by text/email. I accompany people who are willing to be leaders in their learning process, providing them with insights, suggestions, encouragement, and resources for growth.
I expect that clients will carry forward with agreed actions in between sessions. I share my books and materials with clients as learning tools (see the Shop page on this website), and I also draw on materials from well-known experts in our work together.
My extensive client and course delivery experience, as well as my substantial life experience, guide us through relationship or marriage needs and challenges, and we will celebrate successes together. I’m familiar with working with interfaith couples and also those who are members of the Baha’i Faith.”
Services Details
Coaching Sessions:
- Scheduled hourly at an agreed rate (Costs can at times be lowered in cases of hardship if discussed ahead of time. No insurance reimbursement.)
- There is time available for any session to run longer as wished
- Sessions are invoiced for amount of time spent plus any cost of materials.
Note: Hourly rates include session preparation, an hour of meeting, follow-up and between-session communications. If a client needs extensive time outside of a session or personalized materials, there may be a charge.
- Prepare-Enrich Couple Relationship or Married Couple Assessment (30-45 mins each): Result is a couple’s report and a facilitator’s report; clearly shows the strengths of the couple and the areas where attention is needed (Assessment: $150/couple + coaching)
- Character (Virtues) Foundations Assessment (CFA) is a validated assessment that provides an in-depth look at an individual’s strength in 22 virtues. Pre-marital couples who know each other’s character and have many virtues are more likely to succeed at marriage and parenting. This is not easy, and this assessment can help. For married individuals, the CFA can identify where applying and improving strengths can benefit the marriage and family and contribute to healthy, loving interactions. (Assessment: $150/person + coaching; 2 hour insights session is recommended)
Begin Services
To get started, please email with a brief description of services needed. Please indicate if you are requesting the 30-minute complimentary session or wish to begin. I will provide a client information form to complete and arrange for an initial appointment.
I do my best to respond within 24 hours. If you do not hear back, there may have been an internet issue, so please reach out again. If you need service faster, please call or text +1.423-599-0153 (US Eastern time).
Client Memo of Understanding (August 9, 2021)
NOTE: Seriously challenged couples generally need a marriage and family therapist rather than educational coaching. Some of the books and online courses Marriage Transformation offers may be helpful, in addition to you seeking a therapist. Sometimes a counselor referral is available. If I’m not a fit for you, feel free to email me for referral information. Susanne M. Alexander,
Begin Services
To get started, please email with a brief description of services needed. Please indicate if you are requesting the 30-minute complimentary session or wish to begin. I will provide a client information form to complete and arrange for an initial appointment.
I do my best to respond within 24 hours. If you do not hear back, there may have been an internet issue, so please reach out again. If you need service faster, please call or text +1.423-599-0153 (US Eastern time).
Client Memo of Understanding (August 9, 2021)
NOTE: Seriously challenged couples generally need a marriage and family therapist rather than educational coaching. Some of the books and online courses Marriage Transformation offers may be helpful, in addition to you seeking a therapist. Sometimes a counselor referral is available. If I’m not a fit for you, feel free to email me for referral information. Susanne M. Alexander,
Yesterday surfaced unfinished business. It is with me every single day. It visits quietly at times, some of it stalks me every day and keeps me looking over my shoulder! Other stuff gets triggered and suddenly leaps on me, seemingly out of nowhere! Do I really want to dig it up, lift it out of the hole of self, and get rid of it?” [He chose to tackle it with coaching accompaniment and went on to a happy new marriage.]
“I’m really, really content and excited with the direction my life is going. I have such gratitude for both the happy moments as well as the tests! Thank you for continuing to be a listening ear and a source of encouragement on this journey of mine!”
“We are very excited to plan the future and start our life together. Our coaching sessions helped us tremendously to get to this point, and we are both very confident in our relationship.”
“Thank you for being patient and so lovingly giving us messages and assignments.”
“Thanks Susanne for recognizing what we needed today and helping us find our way back to each other.”
“I am so happy! WOW. You have transformed our marriage by simply working with me. He has been reading and doing the exercises you map out with me, and all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you. I have the man and marriage I always wanted. My dreams of my relationship with him are coming true. I feel a closeness and friendship with him that has been missing this whole time. It is fantastic. I am so grateful I found you. What a miracle. Miraculous results is what you produce. Our family is happier and healthier than it has ever been. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”